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  • by H.S., Advanced English Student

Direct Voting

Election is one of the most important aspects of modern civilization. Different countries have different methods to vote for their rights and leaders. Direct voting is the most just system, but only under the condition of separation between religion and politics.

The way direct voting works is so accurate. In direct election, each and every person’s vote counts equally and individually from the farthest rural states and villages to the capital’s inhabitants. The fact that each vote matters equally makes people trust the system more. The outcome of such beliefs will be a society more open to and responsible for the result.

Some experts believe that what makes people more involved in the election process is how much the community members feel their choices are effective to change their situation. In direct voting, members have more hope for future improvement. Hence the result will be an optimistic society which has passion to go forward.

Now a question arises regarding why direct voting doesn’t work for some countries. In such a case, most of the time the problems appear when the basic concept of voting is undermined. For example, imagine one country like Iran, where up to 80 percent of Iranians formed a union to change their government from Imperial to Republic because they didn’t want a permanent leader. By revolution, they created the Republic of Iran, which was what they wanted. But in no time some religious groups took advantage of the chaotic situation and changed it to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which means a country with a religious leader who has the right to control everything, including the election process.

In my opinion, direct voting is the best way to have a direct impact on our societies only if it doesn’t get mixed with religion.

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